Soil Wealth: Healthy soils for profitable vegetable crops
Healthy soil is the lifeblood of Australian vegetable producers, and most growers are keen to manage their soils in an environmentally and economically sustainable way.In a survey in 2013, growers identified management of soil borne diseases, biofumigation, interpretation of soil test reports and training in soil biology (such as organic supplements or activators) as key areas where they would like to improve their skills.
Growers wanted information to be accessible, practical and relevant to individual commercial farming operations. The project website brings together the key resources for growers and advisors to make decisions on their farms.
This project, jointly run by RMCG and AHR, aims to develop capacity among growers, agronomists and advisers. This will support soil management that achieves long-term crop returns for growers by using a focussed approach to deliver extension and capacity building.
It aims to deliver:
Agronomists being supported, trained and linked to ongoing programs
Demonstration sites to showcase benefits on farm (biofumigation, biology, reduced tillage, nutrition, disease)
Improved resource use efficiency on farm resulting in reduced input costs (such as more efficient use of crop protection products, fuel and fertiliser)
Increased productivity and higher marketable yield/packout from crops
Implement the Fagans use for incorporating crop and cover crop residues while causing minimal soil disturbance
Biofumigant crops which help to control weeds and soil borne disease
What is being done
The project will help growers to effectively use existing soil management information rather than generate more information. The project team will work closely with commercial and on-farm agronomists and growers to help add capacity to agronomic support services in Australia.
The project will feature regionally based demonstration sites with thematic focuses, such as biofumigation/cover crops, biology/managing soil carbon, reduced tillage, nutrition management and soil borne diseases. It will also provide reference sites for benchmarking and monitoring, and regional training and field days.
Get involved - Click here to complete an Expression of Interest
Reduced Till Vegetable Production – WHY? Reduced Till Vegetable Production – HOW?
Fact sheet: Winter Cover Crops
Fact Sheet: Nitrogen Management
Fact Sheet: Managing Soilborne Diseases
Project updateDemonstration Sites
Demonstration site: Soil Wealth Cowra
Demonstration site: Soil Wealth Gippsland
Demonstration site: Soil Wealth Bathurst
Demonstration site: SoilWealthForthside
For more information contact
Dr Gordon Rogers, Applied Horticultural Research Pty Ltd