Integrated weed management on a Bathurst pumpkin farm: Advantages and drawbacks of ground cover use, tillage and residual herbicides
Grey pumpkins (var. Sampson) were planted the week of 4 November 2019, following strip tillage of terminated ryecorn and conventional tillage (rotary hoe) of terminated oats and vetch cover crop areas respectively. Clomazone herbicide was applied post-sowing pre-emergent (PSPE) at a rate of 0.4 kg a.i./ha and incorporated immediately with 25 mm irrigation water. A small control area was left untreated (no herbicide), both for the strip tilled ryecorn and conventionally tilled oats and vetch cover crop areas. A month post-sowing, most of the conventionally tilled area was inter-row cultivated.
Click HERE to download this case study to find out more about the trial design, results and key take homes points.