Applied Horticultural Research

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Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus: Biosecurity lessons from the Northern Territory, Australia

Vegetable growers from the Northern Territory speak about the real and present threat of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, and about what biosecurity measures they’ve adopted to protect their crops. When the virus first appeared cucurbit growers were put on notice by the quarantine service. The potentially devastating virus wasn’t easy to detect on the vine; it wasn’t until the fruit was cut and the insides revealed that the shocking extent of the damage became apparent.

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This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable industry research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.Disclaimer: Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation) makes no representations and expressly disclaims all warranties (to the extent permitted by law) about the accuracy, completeness, or currency of information in VegNET (VG15049).

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