Controlling multiple heading and transplant shock in lettuce
Blindness in lettuce results in multiple heading in mature plants, causing the lettuce to be unsaleable. The condition develops in the seedling phase and is generally a problem for seedling propagators over summer.
Why study this?
To find ways to overcome or prevent blindness in lettuce, thus increasing the proportion of saleable lettuce per crop.
What is being done
Trials are continuing, with additional studies in this project investigating the impact of treatment with Imidacloprid (eg Confidor®) and Durivo® on the establishment of lettuce seedlings.
What we found
Initial results showed that high temperature is associated with lettuce blindness and multiple heading, either on its own or in combination with other factors like low humidity and water stress. High temperatures during early seedling development result in increased blindness.Lettuce seedlings can overcome blindness depending on the timing, severity and persistence of conditions.
Where to next?
The project will continue until January 2016. Upon completion, a fact sheet will be produced to help growers control these issues.
This project is a joint initiative between Applied Horticultural Research (AHR), Withcott Seedlings (Qld), Choice Seedlings (NSW), Boomaroo Seedlings (Vic) and Rjk Zwaan Australia.
Vegetable Australia article, April 2015
For more information contact
Dr Gordon Rogers, Applied Horticultural Research Pty Ltd