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Pasture Dieback Trial Site Visit - Gaeta, QLD

  • Approximately half way along Roffeys Rd Roffeys Road Gaeta, QLD, 4671 Australia (map)

Join us for a trial site visit to view and discuss the results of our pasture dieback trials at Gaeta.

Pasture dieback is causing major feed losses in Australia. Because of this there is an urgent need to develop strategies to provide feed for stock while a solution for the disease is being developed. While longer term solutions are ultimately needed, short term management strategies that can reduce the impact of the disease need to be developed and communicated.

You are invited to visit a trial site, to view and discuss the results of pasture dieback trials. 

Topics will include:

  • Management of pasture dieback - best bets

  • Walkthrough of trials - results 4 years after establishment

  • Peoples experience with dieback

  • Role of mealybug in dieback and their biology

  • How to look for and monitor for mealy bug

Beverages will be provided.

Meet the guest speakers:

More information:

For further details please contact Naomi Diplock, Applied Horticultural Research on or 0403 740 123. 

26 March

Improving soil health, FAW management and input use efficiencies in vegetable and potato crops

8 April

Pasture Dieback Trial Site Visit - Theodore, QLD