Smart Farming Technology Guide for Horticulture
This document has been prepared for Australian horticultural operations that are seeking an overview of emerging smart farming sensors and software.
Information is presented briefly to provide an overview of common sensors and technology used by adopters of smart farming techniques. Some of the most useful and readily available sensors are discussed in this guide, with clear instructions on how to select, install, and maintain sensors, and how to interpret measured data. Links to further reading and instructional videos are available throughout the document.
This document is based on experiences with the Hitachi Vantara Control Tower, which has been developed in consultation with two industry leading pilot farms and a production nursery. Some technologies are unique to the Control Tower, however many of the concepts are applicable to other smart farming dashboards.
Digital Remote Monitoring (Smartfarming)
Click here to watch the Hitachi COP26 presentation on the Smart Farming Project
The application of digital technologies to environmental monitoring, provides the tools to help Australian horticultural producers manage their environmental performance as well as optimise the use of fertiliser, water and other inputs, saving money and protecting the environment at the same time.
The project has established four pilot smart farms in Great Barrier Reef catchments, using a digital dashboard to integrate sensor and other data to remotely monitor environmental performance. One pilot farm has been established for each of the nursery, banana, vegetable and avocado industries.
The project, led by Hort Innovation includes peak industry bodies and key agencies involved in environmental management in the Australian Horticulture industries, with each industry pilot described in more detail below. Applied Horticultural Research leads the on-ground activities and Hitachi Vantara is providing the tools to collect real-time monitoring data combined with a user friendly interface.
Golden Grove - Smart Production Nursery
Golden Grove Nursery is a pilot production nursery for the National Landcare Program and Hort Innovation funded project Digital remote monitoring to improve horticulture’s environmental performance which aims to develop tools to help Australian horticultural businesses improve nutrient, water and labour efficiency, and reduce barriers to BMP adoption. Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) and their environmental management guidelines, EcoHort, have provided a wealth of industry knowledge and input into the pilot farms and BMP alignment.
Factsheet - Smart Production Nursery
AustChilli - Vegetable and Avocado Smart Farm
AUSVEG, Freshcare and Avocados Australia are also supporting the project by exploring ways in which these new technologies can be used to automatically collect and provide evidence for certification audits and BMP systems, including EnviroVeg and Freshcare ENV. This will significantly reduce barriers to Best Management Practice adoption for Australian farmers.
The AustChilli smart farm is a part of the Digital remote monitoring to improve horticulture’s environmental performance project funded by the National Landcare Program and Hort Innovation.
In May 2022, the project partners hosted an online field day at the Austchilli site. The online field day featured live interviews with Austchilli staff, a demonstration of sensor integrations and activity tracking in Control Tower, an overview of the sensor suite installed at Austchilli, and a preview of automated Freshcare Environmental compliance forms. AusVeg gave an update on the iMapPESTS project and Hort360 presented on Reef Certification. The event ended with an open discussion forum.
Bartle Frere - Banana Smart Farm
Australian Banana Growers’ Council and Freshcare are supporting the project by exploring ways in which these new technologies can be used to automatically collect and provide evidence for certification audits for Freshcare ENV. This will significantly reduce barriers to Best Management Practice adoption for Australian farmers.
The Bartle Frere Bananas smart farm is a part of the Digital remote monitoring to improve horticulture’s environmental performance project funded by the National Landcare Program and Hort Innovation.
For more information contact
Liam Southam-Rogers, Applied Horticultural Research
Henry Hyde, Applied Horticultural Research
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation nursery products research and development levy and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.