Applied Horticultural Research

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Managing the impacts of climate on the Australian vegetable industry

This review focussed on identifying actions growers and the industry can take to safeguard against climate related threats.

Why study this?

Climate variability and change will affect growers and the industry as it impacts rainfall, temperatures, extreme weather events, pollination, pests, growing seasons, incidence of frost and more.

What was done

An extensive review was conducted of the likely impacts of climatic changes on vegetable production. This included modelling of specific changes in temperature and rainfall for key vegetable production areas across Australia including Gatton, Devonport, Hay, Murray Bridge, Werribee and Manjimup. Impacts on specific crops were assessed in terms of pests, diseases and the need to develop new varieties. Strategies to help minimise the effects of increased climate variability on vegetable production were proposed.

A website has been developed which summarises the likely impacts of future climate vegetable production and provides growers with a range of tools and resources to help them cope with and adapt to these changes.

What we found

The strategies identified as giving the greatest benefit included:* irrigation practices; shading and crop protection; postharvest cooling practices.* reducing power usage* supporting development of more accurate weather forecasts

Where to next?

Research into beneficial adaptations (to varieties, growing methods etc), energy use efficiencies, better forecasting, reducing emissions etc continues. Tools for growers are available now.


Vegetable climate website

Factsheet on climate impacts

Managing impacts of climate change on the vegetable industry - Final Report

Managing impacts of climate change in relation to government policy, regulation and energy efficiency - Final Report

For more information contact Dr Gordon Rogers, Applied Horticultural Research Pty Ltd
